Devotions By Jan

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Mother Nature

Scripture for Today: Colossians 1:16 “For in him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things have been created through him and for him.”

The term, Mother Nature or Mother Earth was first recorded in 1266 during the Middle Ages. The prevailing thought then was simply personifying nature. But the idea that the earth was created through a goddess can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology. However, it was during the age of “Enlightenment” that the term, “Mother Nature” became popular. Leaders of this movement felt that nature needed to be feminized and degraded to allow people to exploit and study it!

Today’s verse leaves no room for a Mother Nature. Through Christ ALL things were made (John 1:3). Our earth, the heavens and everything in it was created by Christ Himself! He personally created everything seen and unseen, including all powers, rulers and authorities. It was all created through Him. He cannot be taken out of the equation! And ultimately, what was created was created FOR Him! It turns out that man is not the center of the universe!

It must hurt the Lord’s heart to see mankind ignoring His incredible creativity and dismissing this world as some kind of cosmic chance. His creation, including man himself, has been made for His pleasure. And when I understand my purpose in pleasing Him, He allows me to appreciate His creation on a much deeper level! Through His creation I see His attention to detail and His sense of humor! How wonderful to see in creation illustrations not only of His power but so much else about Him! And what He reveals always agrees with and complements the revelation given in His Word!

Lord, may I always give You the praise for Your creative power!

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Scripture for Today: Genesis 1:27 “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.”

Photo Credit: Haroon Mughal

The Persian Carpet Flower is a beautiful example of “variegation” meaning a variety of color on the same plant. This flower can bloom anywhere from white to pale yellow. It is overlaid with different shades of burgundy, sprinkled with red and brown spots. These colors call to mind a Persian carpet, thus its name! This flower needs to be handled with care because of its bristly trailing stems full of small spiky thorns.

Today’s verse tells us that God created mankind in His own image. God is not one-sided and simplistic. Eternity will not be long enough to know Him completely! But the fact that He created us to resemble Him in some small way means there will be “variegation.” We all share the capacity to worship Him. We all share the ability to reason, feel emotion and exercise our wills. But we also acknowledge our differences, whether it be race, color, language or culture. This variation within mankind is meant to bring glory to our Creator!

Just as the Persian Carpet Flower needs to be handled with care because of its thorns, we too need to handle our differences with care. The problem is that our sin has marred God’s image in us. Rather than celebrating our differences, they are used to divide. Thankfully, the Lord can change my heart in how I see others. In a world so divided, I need to listen carefully to Him; to what He says about me and what He says about those who are around me. It is only then that I can hope to love others as He does.

Lord, help me to love others as You do.

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The Grandala

Scripture for Today: Job 12:7 and 9 “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you…Which of all these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?” 

Photo by Nick Athanas at

Could this bird be any bluer? The Grandala lives across Northeastern India and its scientific name means, “sky-colored grand wing.” But I have never seen a sky the color of this electric cobalt blue! They gather in large flocks and fly at high elevations. But they can be seen up close at lower elevations when they feed on berries. And if they could talk, what might they say?

Today’s verse suggests what birds and animals might say if they had the power of speech. They would proclaim who their Creator is! They would all acknowledge who it is that gives and sustains their lives and the lives of all mankind (verse 10). Unlike some people who would rather believe that creation results from a formula of time and chance, they would acknowledge the hand that brought them into being. It is through God’s creation that He makes plain His power and divine nature (Rom. 1:20).

The hand of the Lord has done this! So often, I do not recognize that the hand of the Lord has done so many wonderful things in my life! I am quick to think that life is good because of my own choices or that my hand brought it about. But when I see the wonders of nature I am reminded of His incredible power and creativity! Mankind had nothing to do with it! And the work of His hands far exceeds any of my puny efforts without Him. This bird knows it. And I need to be reminded too!

Thank you Lord, for nature’s reminders of You!

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Tree of Life

Scripture for Today: Genesis 2:9 “The Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”

In buying this Tree of Life on turquoise-like stone, I was not aware of all its symbolism! I just liked it because it was pretty. Since then I learned that the tree of life is a mystical symbol linked to religion, philosophy and spirituality. For some, it is a picture of how everything in life is connected. For others it stands for personal growth, beauty, and strength.

Today’s verse reveals the original and best meaning of the tree of life. As with all of creation, its source was the Creator. This tree was a beautiful fruit-bearing tree found in the center of the garden of Eden. Unlike the forbidden tree of the knowledge of good and evil, Adam was free to eat from this tree. But after the Fall, the way back to the tree was barred (Gen. 3:22-24) as it would lead to an eternal life in man’s pitiful fallen state.

What happened to this tree? The tree of life is now shaped as a cross! Eternal life is mine when I place my trust in Christ’s sacrifice for my sin! Those who have the Son have eternal life (John 3:36). But the tree of life not only reminds me of the garden and the cross, but it also turns my attention to the future I have in Heaven. The tree of life reappears there and I will one day eat of its fruit and experience an abundant life that will last forever! (Rev. 2:7)

Thank you Lord, for Your incredible gift of life!

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Walking Sideways

Scripture for Today: Ephesians 5:15 “See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise.”

I am not a fan of crabs.  Their pincers make me a bit nervous and their appearance is a bit off-putting. But one of their behaviors always brings a smile; their ability to walk sideways. In trying to avoid them, this unusual behavior makes me unsure of which way to go to get out of their way! Perhaps they are confused too, not knowing whether they are coming or going! The fact that their joints bend outward rather than forward makes for this bizarre gait.  They can shuffle forward but sideways allows for more speed and efficiency. They can quickly dip into a hole or crevice and escape a predator.

Today’s verse reminds us to walk with care. As believers we are to walk with wisdom. Perhaps walking wisely can look like a sideways gait to some. Our walk is to be different than those around us who are walking foolishly, outside of God’s will. The context tells us to wake up and make the most of every opportunity. This passage goes on to cite the particulars of this different walk: being filled with His Spirit, speaking differently, singing, making music and being thankful. Walking in this way is walking in a direction that is different and distinctive!

The subtle influence of those walking around me can affect my walk. Who wants to be seen as walking sideways? It looks like I am going nowhere. I am not walking towards worldly values or recognition. Instead, I am walking towards the commendation of the Master, hoping to hear one day, “Well done, My good and faithful servant.”

Lord, make me wise by walking Your way today.

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2015)