Devotions By Jan

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Caring For Creation

Scripture for Today: Romans 1:20 “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.”

How wonderful to see people caring for our earth and doing their best in the area of conservation! Certainly it is important to subdue and dominate the earth, the mandate given to mankind in Genesis 1:28. As stewards, we want to carefully conserve and care for what God has entrusted to us. And for the believer there is even more reason. The biggest and best reason for caring for creation is that through it, God’s very existence is revealed.

Today’s verse explains that it is through nature that we clearly see God’s eternal power and divine nature. His creation, as beautiful and breathtaking as it is, is not to be worshiped. His creation is rather to inspire man to seek the Creator. All His works praise Him! (Psalm 103:22) All the works of His hands point to Him and His glory. When we miss this, we miss an even greater mission, which is to bring glory to the God of creation!

There will one day be a new heaven and a new earth. (Rev. 21:1) And that new earth will not even have a sea! Although this does not negate my caring for this one, I want my priority to be centered on the two things that are eternal: God’s Word and man’s soul! As important as conservation issues are, my motivation in caring for this earth is ultimately to point others to the Creator! As C.T. Studd put it, “Only one life, ’twill soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last.”

Lord, help me focus on pointing others to You.

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The Best Nose in the World

Scripture for Today: I Kings 3:9a “So give your servant a discerning heart to govern your people and to distinguish between right and wrong…”

Photo Credit: Tim Flach

Meet the Saiga Antelope, who unfortunately is critically endangered! They are hunted for those impressive horns that are used in some Asian folk remedies in Central Asia. And their numbers have also dwindled because of disease. But one thing that is not a problem for them is the dusty air of the deserts and dry grasslands of their environment. That bizarre swollen nose that looks so comical is the best nose in the world for keeping out all that dirty air, acting as a filter.

Today’s verse is the prayer of Solomon as he stepped into his role as king. The Lord had appeared in a dream and invited Solomon to ask whatever he wanted and He would give it to him. (verse 5) Solomon asked for a discerning heart to distinguish right from wrong. The Lord gave him that (and much more) so that Solomon could filter out the evil and cling only to the good. (Rom. 12:9) And God continues to offer His wisdom as a filter for us. Those that are mature in the faith are able to distinguish good from evil. (Heb. 5:14)

The dust and dirt of a world that does not acknowledge God pollutes the air for a believer. I need the purity of God’s unchanging Word to sniff out what is truly good! God has promised that He has given me everything I need to live a godly life and escape the “corruption in the world.” (II Peter 1:4) His Word is my filter and His truth is life-giving! (Ps. 119:25)

Lord, keep me breathing in the pure air of Your Word!

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Scripture for Today: Romans 6:20 “When you were slaves to sin, you were free from the control of righteousness.”

The old television series, “Get Smart” ran from 1965-1970. KAOS (not an acronym) was a international organization of evil. It was the job  of Maxwell Smart and Agent 99 to thwart their sinister threats to the world. Their organization was called CONTROL (also not an acronym) and was a secret government counterintelligence agency. It makes sense to me that the evil ones were KAOS or chaos, while the good guys were CONTROL or under control!

This week we mark an infamous day when the chaos of evil reared its ugly head. And today’s verse talks about what happens when we are not under the control of righteousness. Being a slave to sin is the condition of anyone without God’s freeing power. Sin enslaves and creates all kinds of chaos and complications to a life. But because of the grace of God, we can be taught to say “No” to ungodliness and live self-controlled godly lives (Titus 2:12). Rather than be controlled by sin, we can be controlled by righteousness, leading to holiness and eternal life (Romans 6:22). And self-control is an evidence of the presence of God’s Spirit in the believer (Gal. 5:22-23).

It is obvious to those around me when I am out of control! There is chaos in my thoughts, emotions and behavior. But when I am submitted to the Lord and filled with His Spirit, there is a measure of self-control that was not there previously. He brings order from disorder. There is a sense of calm and peace when I allow Christ to have His way. That illusive self-control is really just allowing Him to have the full control that is His right.

Lord, please be the One in control of my day.

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2019)


Covered by His Shadow

Scripture for Today: Isaiah 51:16 “I have put my words in your mouth and covered you with the shadow of my hand – I who set the heavens in place, who laid the foundations of the earth, and who say to Zion, ‘You are my people.'”

The shadow of a person can evoke a variety of emotions. When one thinks of a shadow, it can sometimes be in a context of fear! If the presence is menacing than it follows that the shadow of that presence is as well. But a shadow can be reassuring and even comforting when it comes from a loving presence.

Although God is spirit, today’s verse uses the image of the shadow of His hand. It is a powerful hand that has established the heavens and the earth. This passage describes how His hand is able to loose chains and set captives free. Because He covers us with the shadow of His hand, there is no reason to be fearful of man (verse 12). What can man do?  God’s power and presence gives comfort rather than fear to those who belong to Him.

The shadow of His hand reassures me of His love and protection. I sense that divine shadow when a Biblical truth will come to mind at the exact moment when needed! His shadow reminds me that I belong to Him and not to this worldly kingdom. His shadow is evidence that He is at work in my life. And His daily care and blessing are shadows of His loving presence!

Thank you, Lord, for helping me sense Your loving shadow.

(Look familiar? This is based on a post from 2015)