Devotions By Jan

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Fountain Leak

Scripture for Today: Ephesians 4:30 “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”

There are all kinds of leaks; roof leaks, slab leaks or shower leaks. Some leaks escape detection and wreak all kinds of havoc being unnoticed. But a fountain leak such as the one pictured is pretty obvious. Water is wasted, flooding the concrete and lowering the water levels. If not repaired, the levels can get dangerously low with the pump not having enough water to circulate. In this case the problem was with the material used in installation. The workers used the wrong type of seal and the problem was immediately evident!

Today’s verse reassures the believer that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit all the way up to the final day when we will be forever in His presence! This seal does not fail us. There is no better seal than His mighty power to save and to keep us safely in His hand. (John 10:28) However, when we knowingly sin we are grieving the One who loves us with an everlasting love. Just as a parent can be disappointed with the wrong choices of their child, so the Holy Spirit is sad when we make a sinful decision. But unlike the fountain, His seal will always hold firm because of His unconditional commitment to His own.

Rather than presume on this security I enjoy, I want to be obedient out of love and gratitude. I show my love to the Lord not by pushing the limits but by seeking to please Him. This is a love relationship full of expectations on His part. And there is incredible blessing for me when I obey and meet those expectations. Being sealed by Him means I am forever His. I can love and obey Him without fear, looking forward to that future day when grieving Him will be a thing of the past and I can enjoy Him forever!

Thank you Lord, that You have sealed me forever as Yours.


Masting in the New Year!

Scripture for Today: Matthew 13:8 “Still other seed fell on good soil, where it produced a crop – a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

As I walked along a path of oaks in the small town of Marion, Massachusetts, I couldn’t help but step all over the fallen acorns! They were everywhere, littering the ground. My first thought was that a strong wind must have blown them all down at once. I later learned that this carpet of acorns was due to what is called, “masting.” Every few years, especially among nut-producing trees, the acorns would all fall at once, not just for an individual tree but for all of that species in an area! It is not well understood just how and why the trees seem to know when to let go all at once!

Today’s verse comes from the parable Jesus told of the Sower and the Seed. The first seed was eaten by the birds, representing Satan snatching away what was not fully understood. The second seed grew no root because of troubles and persecution. The third seed was choked to death by worry and deceitful riches. But, there was a sort of “masting” or bumper crop from the seed that fell on good soil. This is the seed who hears, understands and accepts God’s Word and in turn produces much fruit!

As I stand on the cusp of a New Year, I would love to see “masting” in my life, producing much fruit. But it does not happen by wishing it were so. There is no fruit in my life unless I remain in Him (John 15:4). And I remain in the Lord by cooperating with His pruning, (verse 2) by saturating myself in His Word (verse 7) and by obeying and enjoying His love! (verse 10) Perhaps then there will be a bumper crop of fruit that glorifies and pleases Him!

Thank you Lord, for another year and another chance to bear fruit!

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The French Baguette

Scripture for Today: Proverbs 31:27 “She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

This picture says it all about the important place of the baguette in France! It will often make its appearance at the breakfast table slathered with butter and jam. It reappears at lunch time without butter to sop up that lovely sauce. Don’t forget its place at goûter or snack time holding up a piece of chocolate! And to finish the day, there it is again, ready to be dipped into the soup. Everyday this bread works hard!

Today’s verse is part of a long description of what a hard working wife and mother looks like. There is no time or place for the “bread of idleness.” For her, watching over the affairs of her household involves long hours as she provides food (vs.15), sews her family’s clothes (vs. 13, 24), and plants vineyards (vs. 16). She works hard at buying (vs. 16), selling (vs.24) and trading (vs. 18). This is no slouch! Because of her work ethic, her husband is respected and he, along with the children, praise her!

It is hard work to continually watch over a household, as I have found over these last 45 years. I haven’t done it perfectly and I certainly do not measure up to this ideal in Proverbs 31. And it can be demotivating to work hard in the home when the American culture ascribes to it so little value. But God does and says whatever is done, even the mundane things, can be done for His glory! (I Cor. 10:31) My unseen and unsung work has His approval and the praise of my family. And that is enough.

Lord, may this day’s work, whatever it is, honor You!

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No Footsteps!

Scripture for Today: Psalm 77:19  “Your path led through the sea, your way through the mighty waters, though your footsteps were not seen.”

We live in an age of amazing technology! Underwater robots plunge the depths of the oceans and bring up all kinds of new information. Their unmanned exploration has been used in a variety of ways. Some are able to do repairs on oil rigs. Some can predict the magnitude of an approaching hurricane. Others can locate, map and sometimes raise the wreckage of a downed airplane! Their discoveries have increased our appreciation of God’s creation! But there is one thing these underwater robots will never find on the ocean floor; God’s footprints!

We do not see His footsteps but we do see the evidence of His creative work and His mighty deeds. Today’s verse uses the images of the sea and the mighty waters to represent the unseen reasons for the hard times in life. The author begins this psalm feeling rejected and forgotten by God. He decides to meditate on all God’s miracles of the past. He reaffirms God’s mighty power and ends with trust. Even though he does not see God’s “footprints” he responds with faith.

I sometimes feel that I am “out of my depth” with why God allows hard things to happen. But in doing so He is leading me into deep waters. It can sometimes feel so deep that I cannot find my footing. I do not see His footsteps or any evidence at all of His being there in that moment of distress. But I know He is.  I am not navigating those deep waters by sight, but by faith (II Cor. 5:7).

Help me Lord to trust You, even when I don’t understand.

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2014.)


The Grackle

Scripture for Today: Psalm 73:9 “Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth.”

Photo Credit: Kenneth Cole Schneider

One either loves or hates the Great Tailed Grackle. Mexican legend has it that this bird stole seven songs from the sea turtle, leaving it silent. Their chatter is less like song and more like the tones of tearing sheet metal or cars crashing! This is an urbanized bird with attitude, stalking the streets as if they belonged to them. They are clever foragers, carefully combing the grilles of parked cars for dead insects. They are also nest robbers and the females will even steal nesting material from each other!

Today’s verse describes the arrogance of the wicked. They are noisy with their claims to special privilege and feel that whatever the earth has is theirs to take. With their wealth and power comes privilege to treat others with contempt. Rules are for others of less importance, leaving them “free of care.” (vs 12) In many cases the wicked do prosper, negating the old adage that, “cheaters never prosper.” The psalmist is discouraged, until he understands their final destiny and judgement. (vs 17)

I can be just as discouraged when I see others seemingly get away with thumbing their nose at God. I too can feel that it is not worth the effort to keep my heart pure (vs 13) when I have no earthly advantages for it. But this is the short view! The Lord does not promise me riches here but He does promise me Paradise that rivals anything earth has to offer! I can say with the psalmist, “as for me, it is good to be near God.” His presence is my joy, His peace my comfort and His love is the strength of my heart! (vs 26)

Thank you Lord, that being faithful to You is worth it!