Devotions By Jan

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A “Snackcident”

Scripture for Today: Matthew 5:6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.

Do you sometimes eat too much junk food, “by accident?” Mindless snacking can lead to the newly coined term, “snackcident.” This term presupposes regret after the fact. When the tummy starts to protest is not the time to be checking the ingredient list or fat content! Armed with information beforehand, a snackcident is much less likely to happen. However, there are always those social gatherings where it is just much easier to indulge and brave the possibility of the dreaded snackcident!

There is hunger and thirst in today’s verse for something much more satisfying than snacks, regardless of their ingredients. Those that hunger and thirst for righteousness will be full and satisfied.  With His righteousness we do not pine for something more. There is no feeling of missing out on something better. A righteous life is the best kind of life. Doing the right thing, following His way, and experiencing right standing with our Creator gives a sense of well-being that is complete. No other kind of life can be quite as full or satisfying!

My problem is that I hunger and thirst for other things, good things, that give only temporary satisfaction. And of course, I hunger and thirst again. But I do not want my life to be characterized by always wanting. I desperately want to experience that contentment and satisfaction He offers. If I make the Lord the object of my longing, He will satisfy me. He has promised life to the full (John 10:10). This “blessedness” means that I can overflow with hope (Rom. 15:13) and with joy (II Cor. 8:2). I want to be able to say with the Psalmist, “my cup overflows!” (Psalm 23:5)

Lord, satisfy me with Yourself.

(Look familiar? This is a re-post from 2021)


The Grackle

Scripture for Today: Psalm 73:9 “Their mouths lay claim to heaven, and their tongues take possession of the earth.”

Photo Credit: Kenneth Cole Schneider

One either loves or hates the Great Tailed Grackle. Mexican legend has it that this bird stole seven songs from the sea turtle, leaving it silent. Their chatter is less like song and more like the tones of tearing sheet metal or cars crashing! This is an urbanized bird with attitude, stalking the streets as if they belonged to them. They are clever foragers, carefully combing the grilles of parked cars for dead insects. They are also nest robbers and the females will even steal nesting material from each other!

Today’s verse describes the arrogance of the wicked. They are noisy with their claims to special privilege and feel that whatever the earth has is theirs to take. With their wealth and power comes privilege to treat others with contempt. Rules are for others of less importance, leaving them “free of care.” (vs 12) In many cases the wicked do prosper, negating the old adage that, “cheaters never prosper.” The psalmist is discouraged, until he understands their final destiny and judgement. (vs 17)

I can be just as discouraged when I see others seemingly get away with thumbing their nose at God. I too can feel that it is not worth the effort to keep my heart pure (vs 13) when I have no earthly advantages for it. But this is the short view! The Lord does not promise me riches here but He does promise me Paradise that rivals anything earth has to offer! I can say with the psalmist, “as for me, it is good to be near God.” His presence is my joy, His peace my comfort and His love is the strength of my heart! (vs 26)

Thank you Lord, that being faithful to You is worth it!


Humble Pie?

Scripture for Today: James 4:6 “But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: ‘God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble.'”

This pie actually looks good! But the word “humble” in the expression “humble pie” actually came from a different word. In the early 1400’s “numble” was the word for chopped organ meat from venison, often baked in a pastry. The “n” was eventually dropped and the “h” added. Numbles were for the huntsmen, his family and his companions whereas the choice deer meat was sold to the upper class. Today, eating “humble pie” means to act apologetically and admit one’s error.

Today’s verse talks about more grace that is given to the humble. As undeserving as we are, those who can come clean with the Lord about their failures experience His favor. But there is something in all of us that bristles at the thought of admitting our errors. Sometimes, the only way it can happen is if we can point to extenuating circumstances! Or we can maybe admit we were wrong if someone can share our chagrin. Eating humble pie is never a very comfortable experience.

As difficult as it is to humble myself, His grace makes it worth it! I would much rather live in His undeserved favor than have Him be opposed to me. But each time I allow pride, stubbornness and determined independence from Him to creep into my day, I am foregoing His desire to bless me. Half the time I do not even realize it is happening as I am so full of myself! How good of Him to bring me to my knees in humility!

Forgive me my pride, Lord. Oh how I need your grace today!

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2021)

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The Hibiscus

Scripture for Today: II Peter 3:8 “But do not forget this one thing, dear friends; with the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day.”

The hibiscus is such an exotic-looking flower. It is large and showy and comes from a large family comprising several hundred species. This flower is also called the “rose of sharon” and mentioned in the Bible (Song of Songs 2:1) But those bright colorful blooms are short-lived, typically blooming for only one day. Once finished blooming, the flower will close up and drop off. One day of vibrant color and life. Just one day.

Today’s verse reminds us of the eternal nature of our God. He is not bound by time constraints. He is outside of time. A day can be like a thousand years or a thousand years can pass by like a day. So perhaps in God’s sight, that bloom lasts a thousand years! This reminder served to encourage the believers that God is not slow about fulfilling His promise to return. When it seems so, it is because in His love and patience He waits to include more of us in His family.

I need this reminder. I get weary of waiting to see everything fulfilled that He has promised. But His Word is always true and sure. And it is in the waiting that my faith is tested and tried. In the meantime, God gives me so many gracious reassurances of His love and direction! Over and over He has come through in what can only be called a “God thing!” I know and can be confident that every promise regarding the future will be fulfilled in His perfect timing!

Thank you Lord, that You are true to Your Word!

(Look familiar? This is a re-post from 2021)

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Celebrating Independence

Scripture for Today: Psalm 25:17-18 “Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. Look on my affliction and my distress and take away all my sin.”

How wonderful to put aside differences and nationally celebrate our independence as a country! I love all the parades, picnics and fireworks that mark July 4th. Flags make their appearance on lawns and often neighborhoods will celebrate collectively. It looks as if this little girl is celebrating her independence from parental control! Those toddler years are full of struggle for independence, as any parent in the trenches knows.

Today’s verse shows us the results of independence from our Creator. This is man’s natural inclination, to be autonomous and govern his own life his own way. The problem comes from the anguish, affliction and distress that sinful choices can produce. David so acutely feels the troubles of his heart that he pleads with the Lord to free him. When in our independence we choose our own way rather than His, we risk following a path of destruction, even when it looks oh so right (Prov. 14:12). The Lord never intended man to be independent from Him.

My desire to live without any constraints is normal. I do not like anyone telling me what to do or what behaviors to avoid. But every one of His commandments are meant to give me freedom! (Psalm 119:45) They free me from the heart trouble and the anguish of being separated from the Lover of my soul! Being dependent on Him gives me true freedom to live in the light of His love and favor! But like the stubborn toddler who thinks they know better than the parent, I pull away. How good He is to bring me back to Himself with powerful loving arms!

Thank you Lord, for the freedom that comes with dependence on You!

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2021)