Devotions By Jan

Fountain Leak

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Scripture for Today: Ephesians 4:30 “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.”

There are all kinds of leaks; roof leaks, slab leaks or shower leaks. Some leaks escape detection and wreak all kinds of havoc being unnoticed. But a fountain leak such as the one pictured is pretty obvious. Water is wasted, flooding the concrete and lowering the water levels. If not repaired, the levels can get dangerously low with the pump not having enough water to circulate. In this case the problem was with the material used in installation. The workers used the wrong type of seal and the problem was immediately evident!

Today’s verse reassures the believer that we are sealed with the Holy Spirit all the way up to the final day when we will be forever in His presence! This seal does not fail us. There is no better seal than His mighty power to save and to keep us safely in His hand. (John 10:28) However, when we knowingly sin we are grieving the One who loves us with an everlasting love. Just as a parent can be disappointed with the wrong choices of their child, so the Holy Spirit is sad when we make a sinful decision. But unlike the fountain, His seal will always hold firm because of His unconditional commitment to His own.

Rather than presume on this security I enjoy, I want to be obedient out of love and gratitude. I show my love to the Lord not by pushing the limits but by seeking to please Him. This is a love relationship full of expectations on His part. And there is incredible blessing for me when I obey and meet those expectations. Being sealed by Him means I am forever His. I can love and obey Him without fear, looking forward to that future day when grieving Him will be a thing of the past and I can enjoy Him forever!

Thank you Lord, that You have sealed me forever as Yours.

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