Devotions By Jan

The Pretzel

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Scripture for Today: Ephesians 6:18 “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.”

While living in Alsace, France just over the border from Germany, we enjoyed all kinds of pretzels. They could be hard or soft, sweet or savory. And they came in all different sizes. The pretzel dates back at least to the early Middle Ages as the Baker’s coat of arms. But legend has it that they were created by an Italian monk in 610AD as a reward for young children learning their prayers. The strips of dough are thought to resemble the crossed arms of praying children!

Today’s verse encourages the Lord’s people to pray. All kinds of Spirit-led prayers are encouraged. And on all occasions. Is there ever an occasion where a private prayer between our Heavenly Father and His child is not appropriate? A child’s prayer may not be eloquent and a new believer’s prayer may not include all the church vocabulary we are used to hearing. But the Lord hears the heart. He wants to hear all our prayers and requests, especially those lifted up for His people. In spiritual battle we all need the prayers of other believers to stand firm!

Who do you pray for the most often or the most fervently? I would have to answer that question with, “myself.” I pray often for others but sometimes more often for my own pressing needs! Perhaps that is normal but maybe my own needs would not feel so pressing when focusing on the needs of others around me. Pain and difficulties are part of every life but seeing what other believers are going through will put my own problems in perspective.

Lord, put on my heart those You want me to pray for today.

One thought on “The Pretzel

  1. I thought pretzels were a symbol of friendship.


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