Devotions By Jan

Wayfarers Chapel Slipping Away

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Scripture for Today: Psalm 94:18 “When I said, ‘My foot is slipping,’ your unfailing love, Lord, supported me.”

This beautiful chapel, dedicated in 1951, sits on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Constructed of stone and glass, it nestles among the surrounding redwoods of Rancho Palos Verdes. It has long been the site of many baptisms, memorials and weddings. This incredible airy structure is also called the “Glass Church.” Unfortunately, it has now closed due to increasingly shifting ground. The structure will be dismantled and moved elsewhere because the earth has been so unstable. Those continuing landslides put the chapel at risk of slipping away.

Today’s verse has the author feeling as if he were slipping. Standing up against the wicked is exhausting and continuous. The wicked are even boasting that the Lord does not see or take notice. The psalmist is waiting for the Lord to execute His righteous judgement against them. But in the meantime he cries out for the Lord’s help (verse 17). God’s response is to reassure him of His unfailing love and presence. This knowledge holds him up and allows him to stand firm.

The shifting values of today’s world make the ground feel very unsteady under the feet. The greed and manipulation of world leaders affect entire populations. Like the psalmist I can feel like it takes more and more effort to stand firm in my faith in God’s righteous coming judgement. But His love is unfailing and holds me up. My foot does not slip when as my Rock He gives me a firm place to stand. (Ps. 40:2) And I stand on the truth of His Word and His promises!.

Thank you Lord, that Your unfailing love holds me up!

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