Devotions By Jan

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Roadrunner Tracks

Scripture for Today: Proverbs 20:24 “A person’s steps are directed by the Lord. How then can anyone understand their own way?”

The roadrunner is in the cuckoo family but he doesn’t say, “cuckoo” or “beep beep.”  This long-legged bird is built for speed and can even outrun humans!  The roadrunner is believed to have special powers to make the listener feel tired when hearing his call!  Some Indian tribes believe he can protect against evil spirits.  Their distinctive “X” tracks supposedly confuse the spirits as to which direction they are taking!  I wonder if the roadrunner is himself confused when seeing his own tracks?

Today’s verse acknowledges that the Lord directs the steps of those who belong to Him.  But often, the one directed has no idea of His direction!  The question expresses what is often felt:  How can anyone understand their own way?  It often is puzzling.  We do not have the same vantage point and we can never understand it all.  We are told in any case not to lean on our own understanding but to acknowledge Him so that He can direct us (Prov. 3:5-6).

Because I cannot see what lies ahead, I need to trust the One who is already there and knows the way.  If I were to wait until I understood the reasons behind every directive, I would be at a standstill and make no progress!  But I can be confident of my direction even without full understanding.  That is because I trust Him.  His eyes are always on me and the twists and turns are not random.  He has a loving purpose for me in every change of course.  And His direction is always towards a more loving relationship with Himself!

Lord, help me to trust You completely!

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2020)

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Hang On!!

Scripture for Today: Psalm 63:8 “I cling to you; your right hand upholds me.”

The koala, although a marsupial, looks like a cute cuddly teddy bear. He can hold on to those smooth-barked gum trees and even sleep there 18-20 hours a day without any worry of falling off. That is because he has two opposable thumbs on his fore paws that allow a sure grip. He also has big toes that are set at an angle to the foot, giving him a vise-like hold. They cling so well to the tree that they leave scratches on the bark.

Today’s verse tells us that we can cling to the Lord because He upholds us with His right hand. David writes this psalm while in the desert of Judah. He remembers and thinks on his bed, not about his enemies but about God’s love that he considers better than life! (verse 3) He clings to the truth that God is his help. (verse 7) David is confident of the end his enemies face. He may be in a clinging position now, but he knows that they will be destroyed and he will rejoice! They, as liars, will be silenced but he will glory in the Lord. (verse 11)

I feel as if I am barely hanging on when surrounded by those who oppose Jesus Christ and when surrounded by liars. But what I am clinging to makes all the difference! The piece of wood to which I cling is the cross! Jesus, by His death on the cross, has won the victory over every enemy! I cling to Him as He is the THE truth in a world full of liars. (John 14:6) His Word is eternal. His promises are true. He is the One who holds me up when I cling to Him.

Lord, keep me hanging on to You.

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2021)

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Hedgehog Held Hostage!

Scripture for Today: Proverbs 11:6 “The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires.”

A friend from our French church recently posted this picture asking for advice from the other church members. At first I didn’t know what it was I was seeing. But as I read his story it became clear that I was looking at a hedgehog. We had them roam our yard in France quite often as they lived under our house. But this one somehow got caught in the family’s badminton net. It seems that the spines on his back caught on the netting, trapping him until he was carefully and gingerly freed!

Today’s verse describes someone who is trapped: the unfaithful. His entrapment is the direct result of his evil desires. He is brought down by his own wickedness. (verse 5) What a contrast this is to the righteous one! His righteousness makes his paths straight. (verse 5) He is delivered from that sticky situation and rescued from trouble. (verse 8) The faithful righteous one will not suffer those added trials of life brought about by evil greedy desires. Instead, those who are in right standing with the Lord will have different desires, desires to please and obey the Lord.

My desires are not always very righteous! And to apply the term, “righteous” to me makes me squirm a bit as I know my heart! Thankfully, God has credited to me His righteousness because of my faith in Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. (Romans 4:23-25) The Lord has my back even if (or when!) I make a mess of things! He delivers me. He lifts me back up and dusts me off when I fall. And when I desire Him above every other desire, I find myself on straighter paths and less likely to fall!

Thank you Lord, for Your faithfulness to me!