Devotions By Jan

Hedgehog Held Hostage!

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Scripture for Today: Proverbs 11:6 “The righteousness of the upright delivers them, but the unfaithful are trapped by evil desires.”

A friend from our French church recently posted this picture asking for advice from the other church members. At first I didn’t know what it was I was seeing. But as I read his story it became clear that I was looking at a hedgehog. We had them roam our yard in France quite often as they lived under our house. But this one somehow got caught in the family’s badminton net. It seems that the spines on his back caught on the netting, trapping him until he was carefully and gingerly freed!

Today’s verse describes someone who is trapped: the unfaithful. His entrapment is the direct result of his evil desires. He is brought down by his own wickedness. (verse 5) What a contrast this is to the righteous one! His righteousness makes his paths straight. (verse 5) He is delivered from that sticky situation and rescued from trouble. (verse 8) The faithful righteous one will not suffer those added trials of life brought about by evil greedy desires. Instead, those who are in right standing with the Lord will have different desires, desires to please and obey the Lord.

My desires are not always very righteous! And to apply the term, “righteous” to me makes me squirm a bit as I know my heart! Thankfully, God has credited to me His righteousness because of my faith in Christ’s sacrifice and resurrection. (Romans 4:23-25) The Lord has my back even if (or when!) I make a mess of things! He delivers me. He lifts me back up and dusts me off when I fall. And when I desire Him above every other desire, I find myself on straighter paths and less likely to fall!

Thank you Lord, for Your faithfulness to me!

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