Devotions By Jan

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IMG_20140302_150852Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:93  “I will never forget your precepts, for by them You have preserved my life.”

When walking in the vineyards above our house, I encountered a metal barrier.  Apparently, work was being done as I could see some equipment in the distance.  I really did not want to change my route, being a creature of habit.  So, I made my way around that barrier.  Maybe it was not such a good idea.  As the picture shows, work was being done to shore up the path that had fallen away.  To continue my walk I had to hang on to that chain link fence.  It was not a comfortable experience!

I could have blamed the advice of a fellow walker who had come from that direction.  She told me it was just fine to ignore the barrier.  It was really only there for the bicyclists.  But in fact, I could only blame myself for finding myself in a precarious position.

I could not help but think of the road blocks the Lord erects in my life.  His precepts and commandments turn me back, turn me around and basically change my route.  When I ignore them, I also find myself in uncomfortable and sometimes precarious positions.  He blocks my way to save my life!  He changes my wayward path because He loves me and wants to see me succeed.

Rather than see His precepts as positive and a blessing, I often think like the woman on my path.  The rules are not really for me.  Somehow, I am exempt.  They are really meant for others who are weaker.  I forget that those barriers are there for my good!

Thank you Lord, for Your infinite patience with me!  Help me never forget that going Your way means life!

(Look familiar?  This is a summer re-post due to ministry schedule)

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Scripture for Today:  Psalm 119:103-104 “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! I gain understanding from Your precepts; therefore I hate every wrong path.”

I love watching hummingbirds!  They are so tiny and colorful and the speed at which they dart around fascinates me!  They flap their wings about 50 times a second so that all one sees is a blur.  Hummingbirds can fly up to 34 mph and can even fly backwards.  Pictured here is the “sword-billed” hummingbird whose bill is longer than its body!  In the higher elevations of South America, he can dig deep into the “corollas” of the flower to reach that sweet nectar.  He hovers there until he has had his fill.

Today’s verse describes God’s Word as being sweet to the taste.  What the Lord communicates to my heart is sweeter than honey or the nectar from a flower.  His Word is His love letter to me.  Even the commands and warnings are there because He cares about me and wants the best for me.  Loving His Word makes me wary of any wrong path that takes me away from Him.  Understanding and wisdom for living are found in its pages.  His companionship is felt through those promises and words of love.

Sometimes reading and studying His Word is difficult.  Time presses and the day quickly fills with obligations and distractions.  Rather than darting off to the next thing, I need to take the time and “hover” there at the source of all that sweetness.  Sometimes the meaning of a verse is not so clear.  It is at that time I need a longer bill to dig deep.  The effort is always worth the sweetness I find!

Lord, keep my mouth full of the sweetness of Your Word.




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Out of Tune

Scripture for Today:  Psalms 119:75  “I know, Lord, that Your laws are righteous, and that in faithfulness you have afflicted me.”

I am listening to the piano tuner as I write this.  It is so annoying to hear him hit the same note over and over until it is tuned correctly.  Just when I think I can relax again, he goes on to the next note.  It is as excruciating to me as nails on a chalk board.  But I know the sound will be beautiful when he is finished.  I will be able to make music without cringing at the discordant sound.

Our verse for today speaks about affliction at the hands of the Lord.  His intent is to correct us when we stray from what is right.  David understands that God’s laws are righteous and that correction needs to come from His hands.  We are told in Hebrews 12:6 that the Lord disciplines those He loves.

The piano tuner needs to use his tools to tighten the strings inside.  He does it to correct the sound.  He knows just how much tightening is needed to produce beautiful music.  In the same way, the Lord uses what is hurtful and negative to fine tune me.  There are plenty of times I am “out of tune” with God’s standards of righteousness.  When I am disobedient I do not sound so good.  I may not even notice how discordant I have become.  But when He corrects me I can again make beautiful music that honors Him!

I love these lyrics from an old hymn: “Tune my heart to sing Thy grace, Streams of mercy never ceasing, call for songs of loudest praise.”

Lord, make me in tune with You and Your righteousness.



Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:41-42 “May Your unfailing love come to me, Lord, Your salvation, according to Your promise. Then I can answer anyone who taunts me, for I trust in Your Word.”

We hear a lot about bullying in the schools today, but in fact it is an age-old problem.  Who has not experienced it sometime in their formative years?  My worst time was transitioning between a small Christian school to a public junior high of two thousand students.  This was done wearing braces with a headgear attached, a real recipe for bullying opportunities!

Our verse for today describes a bullying problem where taunts are made.  So often bullying takes the form of verbal abuse, something that unfortunately continues into adulthood.  Sarcastic and demeaning words can cause real damage.  Spreading rumors can destroy one’s personal and professional life.  The consensus is that little can be done about an adult bully, except to ignore him and document the abuse in case legal action is taken.  But, our verse gives us a sure way to handle verbal abuse.

Being reassured of the Lord’s faithful love is the best way to let verbal abuse roll off one’s back.  Trusting in the promise of His salvation allows us to endure patiently this kind of attack.  We can even answer the bully with confidence because we trust in God’s Word.  We can stand firm, being buckled with the belt of Truth (Eph. 6:14).

I love this image of a large dog protecting a vulnerable cat!  My God is so powerful!  If God is for me, who can be against me? (Rom. 8:31)  His love will not let me down regardless of what hurtful things others may say!  I am His and He is my Protector.

Lord, keep me trusting in Your love and Your promises today.

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Life Preserver

Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:92-93 “If Your Law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction.  I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have preserved my life.”

In every large boat I have ever traveled in, there have been life preservers.  Of course, the law requires it.  The California law requires not only life jackets but a life preserver (or throwable device) if the boat is over sixteen feet long.  They need to be easily accessible but no one wants them in plain view.  No one wants to think about capsizing.

Our verse for today describes God’s Law and precepts as preserving a life.  Our troubles and afflictions can feel overwhelming.  The weight of sadness and worry threatens to submerge us.  Life seems manageable until that unexpected wave of trouble blindsides us.  Suddenly, all goes dark and we are underwater.

The psalmist had no time in the middle of a catastrophe to pull out God’s Word.  God’s Law and precepts were already known and were his delight before disaster struck.  They were firmly planted in his memory and easily recalled at the very moment he needed them.  It was in remembering and applying God’s Law that he was able to survive his trial.  They were his life saver or life preserver.

I cannot anticipate what hard thing may happen tomorrow or the next day.  But I can be ready for whatever comes by knowing and loving God’s Word today.  Knowing those promises of His love and care keep me floating.  I am not overwhelmed and submerged when I can hang on to God’s faithfulness.  His Word is not only my comfort but my survival.

Thank you Lord, that I can cling to Your Word and survive.