Devotions By Jan

Rocking the Boat

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2512077-Falling-off-the-boat--on-purpose-of-course-1Scripture for Today: Philippians 4:6 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”

Everyone knows not to fidget and stand up in a boat.  Those that do are at risk to lose their balance and fall overboard.  Changing places with someone while in a moving boat can be especially tricky!  All that moving around rocks the boat and makes everyone aboard nervous.  There is much less risk of a fall overboard when calmly staying still in one place.

I feel like I am changing places in a moving boat.  With our transatlantic move, everything seems to be in upheaval.  The boat is rocking many times a day as we prepare.  Not only are we preparing our departure with a myriad of details but also our arrival on the other side.  Sometimes, anxiety gets the best of me with so much internal rocking and fidgeting that I feel I am falling.

I know from our verse for today that the Lord does not intend for me to react this way.  Whatever is rocking my boat is included in the phrase,”in every situation.”  For each and every emotion or logistic detail, He is waiting for me to give it to Him in prayer.  When I do, the tension dissipates.  The rocking stops.  I am not falling overboard.  In thanking Him, even in the difficulties, I am recognizing His hand and control.  I can sit still in the boat and feel His peace that goes beyond all understanding (verse 7).

Thank you, Lord, that You offer a life without anxiety and worry.  Your shoulders are big enough and I can give it all to You to bear.  Help me just sit still and enjoy the ride!

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