Devotions By Jan

Thank You Notes

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Scripture for Today: Revelation 5:12 “In a loud voice they were saying, ‘Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise.'”

It seems everyone enjoys receiving a thank you note.  It feels nice to be appreciated for a service rendered or a gift offered.  Of course, we tell ourselves we do not do something in order to be thanked, but it certainly does not hurt to be acknowledged.  However, sometimes a “thank you” can feel uncomfortable.  Someone who gushes or repeatedly brings up their gratitude can make us squirm.  It can feel uncomfortable or embarrassing when someone goes on and on with their thanks.  Why is that?  Probably because we know we do not deserve all that praise.

Our verse for today describes the scene in Heaven where Jesus as the Lamb of God is given all the honor, glory and praise that is His due.  There is no One who is more deserving.  The phrase, “I cannot thank you enough,” will for the first time be absolutely true!  We can never thank Him enough for our salvation and what it cost Him.  We will spend all eternity praising Him and even then, it will never be enough.

The Lord does not engage in false humility as we do saying, “Oh, don’t mention it.”  He accepts our continual praise and gratitude because He deserves it.  I can never come to the end of thanking Him because He continually gives.  I can never thank Him too much because I am so undeserving.  I do not merit any of what He so graciously gives me.

Lord, may my life be a continual thank you for all that You do for me!

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