Devotions By Jan


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Scripture for Today: Psalm 34:5 “Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

Can dogs feel shame or guilt?  Looking at this image one would think so.  But a number of studies have found that dogs do not feel or display guilt.  I am positive that a number of dog owners would disagree.  However, scientists believe it is too complex a reaction and it is just not how their brains work.  What seems to be a guilty look happens with scolding or questioning from an angry owner.  The dog is simply reacting to the owner’s behavior, tone of voice and gestures.

Today’s verse describes a face that is not covered with shame.  In fact, there is radiance in place of shame.  When looking to a righteous, perfect God, it would be natural to feel shame for our sin.  One’s first reaction would be to cover one’s face in the blinding light of His holiness!  But for those who fear the Lord and belong to Him, there is no more shame.  In His grace, He has paid for all our sin and shame with the sacrifice of His Son.  No one who trusts in Him will be condemned or held guilty (verse 22).

Because He has erased my sin and shame, I can look to Him and be radiant!  No longer will I blush for my past sins.  He has removed my sin and guilt as far as the east is from the west! (Psalm 103:12)  He has said that my sin He will remember no more (Heb. 10:17).  Any shame felt with my memories is not from Him.  I am in Christ (Romans 8:1) and no longer condemned.  The Lord not only took away my sin, but the shame of it all as well.

Thank you, Lord, that my face can be radiant with Your forgiveness!

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