Devotions By Jan

Let Sleeping Dogs Lie


Scripture for Today: Psalm 127:2 “In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat – for He grants sleep to those He loves.”

I never thought of a dog as being a sleep aid!  But in fact, a study by researchers at Canisius College in Buffalo, New York found that women sleep better with a dog in their bed!  Apparently, both cats and humans are equally disruptive to a woman’s sleep.  I can think of some other disruptions too!  But dogs are less likely to wake their owners.  Dogs provide a feeling of comfort and security.

Today’s verse comes from a psalm written by Solomon who has lots to say about vanity.  It is vain to make life all about acquisition.  He should know as he did not deny himself any possession or pleasure (Eccl. 2:10-11).  Yet when he surveyed all that he had toiled to achieve, it was meaningless.  God chooses to bless His loved ones and does so apart from our own toil, even in sleep.  The Bible is full of verses on being a good conscientious worker and not a sluggard.  But toiling incessantly is not the goal of life.

Living with a constant stress that interferes with sleep is not God’s plan.  This world is so fast-paced seeming never to stop.  One is always in a hurry to do more, be more and produce more.  But when I put God’s Kingdom above everything else, God blesses me with everything needed (Matt. 6:33).  I belong to Him and I trust His care and provision.  I can rest easy knowing He is faithful to provide.  He is the One who provides even those feelings of comfort and security.

Thank you Lord, that there will be sweet sleep tonight, knowing You love me.

2 thoughts on “Let Sleeping Dogs Lie

  1. Thanks, Jan! This one hit home. It was a blessing to read.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks, Ken! I appreciate your encouraging words.


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