Devotions By Jan

Cinco de Mayo

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Scripture for Today: Romans 8:31 “What, then, shall we say in response to these things?  If God is for us, who can be against us?”

Being from Southern California, close to our Mexican neighbors, we enjoyed the Cinco de Mayo celebrations, every 5th of May. After moving to France we did not think to mark the day. However, one year we intentionally went to a hard-to-find Mexican restaurant, early to beat the anticipated crowd. The place was deserted and after looking up information about the celebration I understood why. This day is to celebrate the Mexican victory over the French army in 1862! What was remarkable about the Battle of Puebla were the odds. Facing a better equipped and larger army, the Mexican losses were small in comparison to the French loss of life.

The odds in today’s verse are pretty remarkable too! If God is for us there is no contest! This is our response to any charge. He has declared us righteous through Christ. Because God is for us, there is not even a hint of condemnation from any quarter (Rom. 8:1). God is for us and Christ intercedes on our behalf. Nothing and no one can separate us from His love. We are not just conquerors over the enemy but “more than conquerors.”

It is not because of numbers or size or strength but because of His love that I am more than a conqueror! (verse 37) He has already won the most important battle of them all, the battle for my soul! Celebration can start today and continue into eternity! The outcome is sure and I can live in the absolute certainty of victory. There is not a single scenario imaginable that can change this truth. Because He is for me, I win!

Thank you Lord, for already securing the victory for me.

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2016)

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