Devotions By Jan

National Decency Day

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Scripture for Today: Luke 6:31 “Do to others as you would have them do to you.”

How unfortunate to have to remind people to be decent! The National Decency Day was established to encourage a basic standard of civility. It is meant to be non partisan, a grassroots movement to inspire decency in everyday life. Decency was certainly the theme in this scene as an elderly gentlemen had trouble getting to his bus stop. He was kindly helped by this couple while a passerby smiles. He was then helped up the steps to that bus and I am sure the decency of strangers made his day!

Today’s verse would be the perfect verse for showing decency. Many who are not familiar with the Bible are aware of this verse, calling it, “The Golden Rule.” Its logical simplicity can lull one into thinking it is an easy principle to practice. But in fact, this verse is especially difficult when one realizes that this behavior is to be shown to enemies! We are to do good not just to strangers but to those who hate us (verse 27)! We are to bless those who curse us and pray for those that mistreat us (verse 28)! Common decency and basic civility seem like a slam dunk compared to this standard!

As with all commandments, precepts and statutes of God, my obedience is not what I would like. I feel as if I fail Him often. Thankfully, His forgiveness is consistent and faithful (I John 1:9). When with the help of His Spirit I can treat enemies the way He wants, He is glorified! Loving my enemies is not natural for me and when I can do it, I know it is another evidence of His work in me.

Thank you Lord, for Your Spirit who enables me to treat others well!

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