Devotions By Jan

Independence Day

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Scripture for Today: Psalm 25:17-18 “Relieve the troubles of my heart and free me from my anguish. Look on my affliction and my distress and take away all my sin.”

How wonderful to put aside differences and nationally celebrate our independence as a country! Parades, picnics and fireworks mark this special day. Flags make their appearance on lawns and often neighborhoods will celebrate collectively. It looks as if this little girl is celebrating her independence from parental control! Those toddler years are full of struggle for independence, as any parent in the trenches knows.

Today’s verse shows us the results of independence from our Creator. This is man’s natural inclination, to be autonomous and govern his own life his own way. The problem comes from the anguish, affliction and distress that sinful choices can produce. David so acutely feels the troubles of his heart that he pleads with the Lord to free him. When in our independence we choose our own way rather than His, we risk following a path of destruction, even when it looks oh so right (Prov. 14:12). The Lord never intended man to be independent from Him.

My desire to live without any constraints is normal. No one likes anyone telling them what to do or what behaviors to avoid. But every one of His commandments are meant to give me freedom! (Psalm 119:45) They free me from the heart trouble and the anguish of being separated from the Lover of my soul! Being dependent on Him gives me true freedom to live in the light of His love and favor! But like the stubborn toddler who thinks they know better than the parent, I pull away. How good He is to bring me back to Himself with powerful loving arms!

Thank you Lord, for the freedom that comes with dependence on You!

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