Devotions By Jan

Full of Sap

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Scripture for Today: Psalm 92:13-14 “Planted in the house of the Lord, They will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green,”

This tree, if healthy and tapped correctly, can produce sap for decades, some as long as 100 years! I don’t often think about the long involved process to get that pure maple syrup on to my pancakes. But someone went to a lot of trouble. Tapping the tree starts with drilling the hole at the proper season, inserting the spile and allowing the sap to flow into a bucket. Then there is the process of boiling the sap to remove excess water and create the syrup. Reading about the process makes my breakfast that much more tasty!

Today’s verse paints an encouraging picture of those in right standing with God. They are described as trees planted in just the right spot of God’s presence. Regardless of their age, they continue to flourish there being green, full of sap and bearing fruit. That wonderful sap can be seen as the fruit of the indwelling Spirit. But that fruit is most often expressed in relationship to others. Many times, it is in the trials (drilling) that the fruit is seen and used. That love, joy and peace is absolutely something supernatural in the face of provoking people!

Wouldn’t it be easy to live the Christian life without having to deal with provoking people? But it is in those drilling confrontations that what is in me is revealed. And sometimes what is revealed is not so sweet and fruitful! But if I am having some trouble showing that fruit, I need to re-examine where I am planted. It is in His presence and in His power that I can be fruitful. It is His Spirit that sweetens every interaction.

Lord, keep me fruitful, green and full of sap!

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