Devotions By Jan

Bow and Arrow

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Scripture for Today:  Romans 3:23-24 “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and all are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came through Christ Jesus.”

As a skinny-armed adolescent my archery experience was short lived at camp.  It just hurt my arms too much to pull back that bow.  Living in Europe so long I have had more opportunity than most to see archery competitions and shows.  These expositions seemed to always be a part of local village fairs.  And I have seen some impressive displays of strength and precision.  It is beautiful to watch, as long as the target was not something living!

Today’s verse describes missing the target of God’s glory.  This word for “sin” denotes falling short of the intended goal.  Some may get closer than others but all of us fall short of God’s absolute perfection.  We can strive an entire lifetime to live up to God’s standard, but we do not have the momentum to get there without His grace.  In the Archer’s hands we are stretched with His power and pointed in the right direction.  Believers are declared righteous because of Christ reaching that goal of perfection for us.

Although I am redeemed through Christ’s sacrifice, the Archer still pulls back on my bow.  I know that He uses my problems and difficulties to stretch me.  He uses the tension to mature me in my faith.  The goal is to make me more and more like His Son.  There is no pain that is wasted.  He uses it all for His plan and His glory.  I may not understand it all but I know I can trust His strong capable hands.  He knows what He is doing.

Thank you Lord, for slowly transforming me.

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