Devotions By Jan

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Scripture for Today: John 17:3 “Now this is eternal life; that they know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom You have sent.”

fashion unnamed

I was intrigued by the saying on this store window. This high-end women’s clothing store suggests that the goal of living is to dress well, using their brand of course. For many, fashion is tied to self-image and a sense of well-being. Fashion can occupy a huge place in one’s thoughts. The “fashionista” follows the latest trends and spends a good portion of income to stay current. Walking by this saying did make me think. What do I live for? Anyone who knows me would not guess fashion! But it is the age-old question posed by many philosophers over the centuries.  Why am I here? What is my purpose in life?

Today’s verse gives the answer to the question. Eternal life for the believer begins in the here and now. Life, whether in the future or the present is consumed with one goal; to know Him (Phil. 3:10). It is a goal that never grows old and tired. And because God is so immense, it is a goal that can never be completely realized. How amazing to spend an entire earthly life in the quest to know Him as He reveals Himself little by little through His Word and through His Spirit.

When I am with my Savior in Heaven the goal continues to know Him completely. Knowing God personally and up close will be an adventure that is eternal! I will never come to the end of knowing Him. He is that vast and deep! Knowing the Lord little by little while on earth, gives meaning and purpose to my life that nothing else can! This is what I live for!

Thank you Lord, that the goal of knowing You gives my life purpose!

(Look familiar? This is a repost from 2015)

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Over or Under?

Scripture for Today: Isaiah 48:18 “If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea.”

Approaching that wave and calmly riding it out takes some good judgement and timing. I remember swimming in the waves with my daughter when she was just 10. We were cresting the tops and enjoying ourselves. But suddenly a set approached that were too much for us. I yelled out to take a deep breath, dive under and hold your breath until it passed over us. We were in still quiet water as the wave thundered over our heads. I am sure if she had disobeyed, she would have survived but she certainly would have been tossed around!

Today’s verse describes our peace and well-being like a river and waves. That peace comes as a result of following God’s way. His way includes leading us by quiet waters and restoring our souls (Psalm 23:2). His commands are designed for our good. He teaches us what is best for us (verse 17). But in our independent spirit, we do not always pay attention to how He leads. We try cresting that wave rather than going under it. That peace alludes us as we move away from the Lord of peace.

When I am listening and obeying God’s voice, I experience peace with Him. There are sweet times and a clear sense of His pleasure when I am not fighting Him. Submitting to Him can be a struggle, but worth the effort when I can feel that deep heart peace in the middle of turmoil around me. He calms my spirit and anxious thoughts. Regardless of my circumstances, the still waters of His peace get me through, guarding my heart.

Lord, keep me obedient and feeling Your peace today.

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Pinyon Sap

Scripture for Today: Jeremiah 8:22 “Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wounds of my people?”

It’s just sap running down a rock. Or is it? This is liquid gold for some. The sap of the Single Leaf Pinyon Pine works as a natural antiseptic. It is very sticky, needing processing before it can be used. But as a balm or salve, it does wonders. Rub it on a burn or on a skinned knee and there is immediate relief! It can soothe the sting of wind burn on a face or sore feet after a day of hiking.

Today’s verse mentions a balm. Gilead was known in biblical times for the balm they produced from the sap of the balsam tree. It was also used for its healing properties and making use of it were the physicians living there. The questions in this verse are rhetorical with a “yes, there is” answer expected. But what the people needed was spiritual healing rather than physical. They refused to return to the Lord, clinging to deceit (verse 5). They rejected the words of the Lord (verse 9) and no help from man could heal their wounded souls.

All of us have wounded souls. The ravages of sin and the separation from our Creator make us soul sick. But there is a balm for my soul found in Gilead and everywhere else. That balm is repentance and forgiveness. Because of the cross, I can have immediate and complete healing. It is because of His wounds that I am healed (Isaiah 53:5). He took the punishment on Himself that I so richly deserved. That balm for my soul takes away the sting of guilt or shame.

Thank you Lord, for being that balm for my soul.

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Scripture fro Today: I Peter 2:2  “Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation, now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.”

There are over 100 species of this beautiful milkweed but they all have one thing in common; they each produce a milky sap for which it gets its name. It leaks out from the stem or leaves. In large quantities this sap is toxic to animals. But for the Monarch butterfly caterpillar, this sap is tasty and the only thing they will eat! The monarch butterfly will only lay its eggs on these leaves or else the caterpillar starves!

Today’s verse describes that same single-minded craving. A new believer will show enthusiasm for reading and learning from God’s Word. And it is not something a believer ever need deny himself. Although a mature believer will gradually add the meatier doctrines of the Bible, one never outgrows the need to review and appreciate the foundational truths, or milk. (Heb. 5:12) By it we grow and by it we taste just how good God is!

The milk of God’s Word is described as pure. It is not to be mixed with the world’s philosophies as it is His truth and can stand on its own! Its purity means that the essentials are there for my faith to grow. Mixing in anything else will dilute its personal message to me. Mixing in anything else dulls my spiritual taste buds. I do not want to miss out on tasting just how good the Lord is! Nothing else can take the place of His personal message to me and that sweet communion leaves me craving more of Him.

Thank you Lord, that Your Word nourishes my soul!

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Giant Japanese Spider Crab

Scripture for Today: Romans 1:16 “For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes: first to the Jew, then to the Gentile.”

Photo Credit: Choo Yut Shing

This interesting creature is most notable for its size. The Giant Japanese Spider Crab has the largest leg span of any arthropod in the world: he measures up to 12 feet, claw to claw! But despite his scary appearance he is said to have a gentle disposition. I am glad I don’t have to prove that with personal experience! Normally, something so large would have trouble escaping notice. But this guy is called a “decorator crab.” He picks up pieces of sponge and small anemones and cements them to the top of his shell, blending in with his surroundings.

Today’s verse is the very opposite of blending in with surroundings. Paul wants to be detected. He wants to stand out from the crowd. And believing in the Gospel of Christ in the midst of an unbelieving world will do just that. There is no shame in standing out for something so powerful. There is no shame in being different from others when it can mean the salvation of a soul.

It is a strong inclination for me to blend in and belong. I am uncomfortable drawing the eye or inciting the comments of others. Worrying too much over what others think can sometimes nullify my testimony. But more important than the approval of men, my overriding desire is to please my Lord. He scorned the shame to hang naked on a cross for me (Heb. 12:2). How could I possibly be ashamed of a few odd looks or comments?

Lord, may I scorn shame in any form. Keep me bold with the Truth!