Devotions By Jan

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Assisted Living

Scripture for Today:  Psalm 119:173 “May Your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen Your precepts.”

Many retirement homes have the choice of Independent Living or Assisted Living.  For now, my Mother continues to live with the Independent Living program, even at her advanced age.  However, I am anticipating the day when she makes use of the services offered in the Assisted Living program.  I sometimes do not understand her reluctance to accept more help.  Probably it comes from a fierce independent spirit that fears relinquishing any control.  On one level it is an admirable quality.  But on another level, it can be frustrating to see a quality of life that is often not as positive as it could be.  Help is there and available to make life easier.  But the desire to be independent is oh so strong!

In the spiritual realm there is also the tendency to not ask for help.  There is an issue of pride that pushes one to try and “go it alone.”  But His hand is there.  His help is available.  He awaits my cry for help.  But I often do not realize my need for “assisted living.”  I just do not see what could be possible with Him.  I am too content with what I can accomplish on my own.

David recognized in Psalm 40:17 that he was poor and needy.  With this humility he was able to turn to the Lord, ask for help, and receive it.  If a mighty king and warrior can recognize his need for help, than surely I need to as well.  Who does not need assistance?  Why am I so reticent to ask?

Thank you Lord, that You are so patient with me and my independent spirit.  I am no good on my own.  I need your help today!

Look familiar?  This is a summer re-post due to ministry schedule.

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Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:14 “I rejoice in the lifestyle prescribed by Your rules as if they were riches of all kinds.”

My Mother-in-law is a huge fan of Elvis Presley, so it only makes sense that she would love to visit his Graceland home.  This opulent mansion sits on fourteen acres in Memphis, Tennessee.  The museum it has become attracts over 600,000 tourists each year from all over the world.  It is the second most visited home in America after the White House.  Of course, Elvis enjoyed all the goodies that go with fabulous wealth.  One funny fact is the buzzer he had under his dining room table, there to summon the kitchen staff.  His lifestyle was the envy of many, but it is said that his choices led to his untimely death at forty-two.

Today’s verse talks about an entirely different lifestyle.  It is one that brings joy, although one would not think so at first glance.  It is a life that follows rules.  Where is the joy in that?  We normally feel that a happy life is one that is not bound or restricted by rules of any kind.  But His rules are different.  His rules make possible a full, rich and abundant life.  Guilt plays no part of it when we enjoy His forgiveness.  Worries about tomorrow do not destroy our peace.  Following God’s way brings blessings that are as enjoyable as riches of all kinds!

It is so difficult to stop equating financial ease with happiness.  It is a message I constantly hear.  I know better but I still am influenced by this very prevalent thinking.  Even harder to grasp is the idea that God’s rules can make life work and bring joy.  But this is what He promises.

Thank you Lord, for the riches You give in following Your way!

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Calloused Hands

Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:69-70 “Though the arrogant have smeared me with lies, I keep Your precepts with all of my heart. Their hearts are callous and unfeeling, but I delight in Your law.”

As a young girl, I must have held that pencil too tightly when learning to write.  Ever since, I have lived with a callous on my finger where the pencil pressed.  It used to be tender years ago.  But as I continued writing, the callous got harder.  Now I hardly notice that hard bump that slightly deforms my finger.  It does not give me any trouble and it allows me to write any way I want.

Today’s verse uses the word, “callous,” to describe a heart that is unfeeling.  This heart used to be soft and tender, able to feel pain and conviction.  But now, by repeating a response over and over, it has become callous and insensitive.  It has built up protective tissue around it and remains hard and unchanged.  The arrogant wicked do not keep God’s law.  They are sure to know better and likely feel they are above the law.  They maybe did not start out that way but grew callous over the years.

What a contrast the author makes to himself!  His heart is soft and yielding, not only keeping God’s law but delighting in it.  I want my heart to be just that soft.  But delighting in His Word is an acquired taste.  It comes from continually reading and thinking on it.  Just as callouses are formed from a repetitive activity, so a soft heart that delights in the Lord comes from repeatedly spending time with Him.  My heart is so prone to becoming hard and stubborn, wanting my own way.

Lord, keep my heart soft and yielded to You.

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The Narrows at Zion

Scripture for Today: Psalm 125:2 “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people both now and forevermore.”

The Narrows at Zion National Park are breathtaking!  We approached it from the bottom and only hiked a few miles in along the Virgin River.  The 16 mile hike is a wet one with a third of it done in the 45 degree water.  We were not quite that adventuresome.  But what impresses me most are the vertical sheer canyon walls soaring high above.  Surrounded by these majestic rock faces of the mountains, one cannot help but feel very small.

Our verse for today likens the love and protection of the Lord to surrounding mountains.  Jerusalem is not surrounded by a ring of peaks, but it is situated in a mountainous region.  God’s care is as constant and unmovable as mountains.  Those who trust in Him and His care are not shaken (verse 1) but are themselves like Mount Zion.

What a wonderful assurance to know that I am surrounded by God’s constant faithful love!  There is nowhere that I can turn that I cannot see it and feel it.  Like a ring of mountains, His love surrounds me.  He reminds me with every mountain view just how wide, long, high and deep His love is for me (Eph. 3:18).  He especially reminds me when I read His Word with His promises of love.

There is nothing I can do to remove those mountains far from my presence.  His love is too strong.  Nothing can separate me from that love.  My view of it may be blocked by the fog of my own waywardness and rebellion, but it continues on.  His love continues today, tomorrow and for eternity!

Lord, I need to feel your love surrounding, supporting and reassuring me today.

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Fresh Strawberries

Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:103 “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth.”

There is nothing better than the surprise of biting into an especially sweet fresh strawberry!  I am surprised as I have grown accustomed to strawberries that are not as flavorful being picked too soon.  But when they are local and picked at exactly the right time, the flavor is amazing!  I will sometimes buy less-than-sweet strawberries for their pop of color and still enjoy them.  I will even use frozen strawberries on occasion.  But it is never the same as that fresh sweet strawberry with the juice and texture exactly right!

Today’s verse likens God’s words to that kind of sweetness.   His words are like honey for the soul.  Whether we hear them from a Bible teacher, a song or a devotional, it is always sweet.  But there is a different more intense flavor when we discover a nugget of truth for ourselves in His Word.  The taste is better and sweeter when He speaks to us directly from His Word without any other intermediary.  It is just picked.  It is fresh and there is a special sweetness.

I am encouraged by others’ teaching.  God uses the study and clear exhortation of Bible scholars in my life.  There is a myriad of wonderful study guides.  They are all sweet and have their place.  But there is a more satisfying and intense flavor to His Word when I take the time to open it on my own.  It is especially sweet when the Lord meets me and speaks to me directly.  His Spirit is so personal, guiding me into a truth for that moment and for my exact need.

Lord, I need Your sweet words.  Make them fresh for me today.