Devotions By Jan



IMG_20140801_050547Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:15-16 “I meditate on Your precepts and consider Your ways. I delight in Your decrees.  I will not neglect Your Word.”

I have always been partial to the Volkswagon Bug ever since owning one in my single days.  It was a 1963 model with a round window in the back!  However, I do not know much about car maintenance.  Had I remained single and kept that car, I wonder if it would eventually look like the one pictured!

My husband will attest to the fact that I do not know how to change a tire or change the oil and I detest filling up.  He very kindly does those things for me.  I think the “idiot” light on the dash was named after me!

The neglect of a car can be serious and contribute to its demise.  But the neglect of God’s Word can be just as serious!  Just as a car needs regular tune-ups and good maintenance to run well, so we need to be in God’s Word.  Without God speaking to us, we begin to be run down and all the wear and tear of life becomes obvious.

David’s love of God’s Word is the subject of the longest Psalm.  Our verse for today expresses that love and respect for God’s decrees.  He not only reads them but he meditates and considers them.  Bible reading is like that.  God’s truths can penetrate our thoughts throughout the day.  His Word is life changing, slowly transforming our minds and hearts.  God’s thoughts renew our minds (Rom 12:2) so that we live as we were meant to live, continually new and shiny!

When I neglect God’s Word, I start looking like that car.  I know that my own ugly thoughts are not His.  Lord, keep me motivated to stay in Your Word.

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Diamonds Are Forever?

Scripture for Today: Psalm 119:96  “I have seen that everything has its limits and end; but Your commandment is exceedingly broad and without limits, into eternity.”

The phrase, “A diamond is forever,” is recognized by over 90% of Americans.  It was coined in 1947 by Frances Gerety as part of an advertisement.  Being that a diamond is one of the hardest substances known to man, it seemed appropriate.  The diamond is made up of carbon, one of the smallest atoms that can be bonded.  With high enough temperatures these atoms compress with some very strong bonds, making the diamond incredibly durable.  The thought is that a diamond is literally forever.  The first diamond in my wedding ring was not forever.  It somehow worked its way out of the setting and is gone forever.  My current diamond already has a longer life, coming from my Grandmother’s ring from the early 1900’s.  But I know that this diamond will not last forever.

Our verse for today teaches that everything has a limit and an end.  Our treasures on earth are vulnerable to moths and rust and thieves (Matt. 6:19).  With the advent of the new earth, everything in the old earth will pass away and be replaced by the new (Rev. 21:1).  So in fact, diamonds are not forever!  But something is!

God’s Word has no limits.  It is broad, viable for every age.  And it is without end.  It will continue into eternity.  Not one letter or stroke of the pen will disappear before heaven and earth do! (Matt. 5:18)  God’s Word is forever, unlike anything we can touch on this earth.  It only makes sense to make His Word my treasure.

Thank you Lord, that Your Truth is forever.  May I love and appreciate it just like precious treasure.

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Half and Half

creamer1Scripture for Today:  Psalm 119:113  “I hate double-minded people, but I love Your law.”

The myriad of choices having to do with coffee preferences can completely confuse me.  In a specialty coffee shop, no one would want to be behind me, waiting for me to make up my mind.  Just when I think I have it figured out, I am directed toward the cream counter.  There again I am faced with choices.  There are often three different possibilities; whole milk, non-fat milk or half and half.  I do not want my coffee too rich or too watery, so I usually end up with the half and half.  My thinking is that it has to be a good compromise.

Compromise can be a good thing in many areas of life, but certainly not in our obedience to the Lord.  Our verse for today contrasts loving God’s law with a double-minded approach.  The double-minded individual will sometimes obey God’s law, but not always.  There is a lack of true commitment.  If obedience costs something or is inconvenient, then the double-minded person will do what is easy and convenient.  James 1:17 describes this person as unstable in all his ways.  There is no constancy.  Their commitment to God is as variable as the ocean waves.

I do not want to be that person.  Loving God’s law does not mean I will always keep it.  David failed and so do I.  Thankfully, I am under grace and not law because of Jesus.  But it is always my desire to follow what God wants, even when it is difficult.  There is blessing in my life as a result of obedience.  There is nothing but pain and heartache when I do not obey.

Lord, keep me from being half and half in my obedience to You!

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Scripture for Today:  Psalm 119:31-32  “I hold fast to your statutes, Lord, do not let me be put to shame.  I run in the path of your commands for You have broadened my understanding.”

Running is in my family.  My husband, son, and brother-in-law all seem to enjoy running.  My problem is that I do not like to sweat.  If one should ever see me run, it would be for some kind of an emergency!  But the health benefits are undeniable and many runners talk about that “runner’s high.”  The endorphin levels rise during intense exercising, affecting one’s mood.  That feeling of euphoria can sometimes comes from long distance running.  I can think of some other less strenuous sources of euphoria, say in eating good chocolate!

Our verse for today uses the image of running to describe enthusiastic obedience to God’s commands.  Normally, one would not think of running to obey.  More common is the idea of reluctant compliance.  We know God’s commandments are given in love and are good for us.  But there is something innate in us that wants to rebel, wants to go our way.  We think we know better.  The end result is shame for our choices.  But obedience to Him will never result in shame.  Obeying His laws gives us wisdom and understanding about Him, about life, and about how our own way is just not as good as His.

Running to obey Him shows a heart that is completely His own.  Waiting only gives room to doubts and fear.  Obeying Him quickly shows a trust that is absolute.  When God gave Abraham a command concerning his son, he rose early the next morning to obey (Gen.22:3).  As incredibly difficult as it was, Abraham did not wait to obey.

Lord, may I run to obey You today!



Scripture for Today:  Psalms 119:36-37a  “Turn my heart toward your statues and not toward selfish gain.  Turn my eyes away from worthless things…”

Sunflowers are amazing!  Especially when one comes upon a whole field of them!  This field is located in the Loire Valley of France.  And I’ll go ahead and say it, “we are outstanding in our field!”

It is commonly thought that this flower turns its head to follow the sun’s trek across the sky.  In fact the word for “sunflower” in French is “tournesol.”  The idea of turning to the sun is right there contained in the word.  The spiritual truth is obvious.  Like the sunflower, we as believers want to be gazing at the Son, following Him.  David in Psalms 27:4 asked the Lord for just one thing, to be able to gaze upon His beauty.

I am so often distracted from having the same priority as that of David.  There are plenty of things and activities in my life that are important and to me have lots of worth.  But I am basically a selfish and headstrong person.  My head and heart quickly get turned around to be all about me, me, me.  Deep down I agree with Paul in Phil. 2:8 that everything is rubbish compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ.  So why then  do I turn my gaze away from His beauty?  When I do, I cease to grow and thrive.  Like the sunflower, my head becomes bowed down when turned away from the Son.  Not only do I miss His beauty but I become less beautiful myself.

I love this old hymn,  “Turn your eyes upon Jesus.  Look full in His wonderful face.  And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace.”  Turn me, Lord, to You.